Monday 8 December 2014


Attached are websites to view re Schindler's List

The List

Information on Holocaust

Information on Schindler

Krakow Ghetto




View the movie.
In a journal entry, discuss the following.  This should be a minimum of one page:

Record what you remember about the film, describing what you learned from the film; questions that the film may have raised but did not answer; and at least one way that the film relates to the world today.  Here are some ideas to get you started
What I really liked about the movie was…….
What I learned from the film………………….
A scene that really affected me was……………
A character that really affected me…………….
How does the movie relate to today…………..
Answer the following questions in paragraph answers:

  1. The role of Itzhak Stern is crucial. Discuss how Stern, an accountant,
first open the doors for the possibility of Jewish rescue at Schindler's factory.  Discuss other examples of Stern nudging Schindler in the direction of rescue.

  1.  Writers use detail to draw attention to a person or event. Filmmakers use color, motion, and sound to accomplish the same thing. What scenes in Schindler’s List are in color? Why do you think Spielberg chose to film these scenes in color but not others? How was music used in the scenes you recall most vividly? What ideas or events did the music underscore?

  1. In making Schindler’s List, Spielberg says he tried to be “more of a reporter than a passionate, involved filmmaker- because I wanted to communicate information more than I needed to proselytize and convert. The information is so compelling because it wasn’t written by Hollywood authors.  It comes out of the human experience...[but] out of history.” That vision influenced many of his decisions as the film’s director. Identify and describe 3 scenes that reflect Spielberg’s desire to place the viewer “inside the experiences of Holocaust survivors and actual victims as close as a movie can.”

  1. The Rescue – Discuss why you think he did it?  Was Oskar dedicated
            from  the beginning, pushed by Stern, or only when he received the
            ring was he sure he had done the right thing?  Did Oskar ever realize
            how much he had done?

  1. Read the account Holocaust survivor by Irene Zisblatt Zeigelstein.  Describe and discuss your immediate reaction to this historical account. Discuss the impact of reading an actual account as compared to watching a Hollywood movie based on facts.

Go on the Internet and learn more about the Holocaust.

Google topics:  Auschwitz. Schindler’s List.  etc. etc.

1.      Research and record 10 facts/details about the Holocaust.   Display these neatly on paper that can be put up on the wall.  They need to be different from your partners.


Oskar Schindler died in 1974 and was buried in Israel.  As a survivor of the Holocaust and former employee of Schindler, you have been asked to give a eulogy at his funeral.  In your eulogy include some specific events from the movie to show the kind of man Schindler was.  Discuss and describe some of his character traits.  See me for instructions and examples of eulogies.

Character Analysis – Literary
From a literary perspective, protagonists are round characters that change for better or worse. They are dynamic characters. Identify, describe, and discuss the changes in Schindler throughout the movie.  Use examples from the movie to support your observations.  Include his relationship with Stern as portrayed in the movie.


(Grade 11)
Character Sketch
Do a character sketch on Herman Goethe.  See me for graphic organizers and information on Character sketches.

See me for other suggestions.Krakow Ghetto

Friday 5 December 2014